Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Mighty to Save - Happy to Share

We have been given the great commission to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all people. The Bible tells us that we are the body of Christ here on earth, but does that make God limited without us? 

A few years ago, I had an opportunity to work overseas in China as an engineer setting up a new factory for a North American company. Before I left for China, I met a pastor who had spent a good portion of his life ministering in the Asia region. He was easy to talk to so I threw some questions out and asked him “How powerful is God’s Word when sharing the Gospel?” When I asked this question, I was wondering what it would be like to share Jesus with someone and yet have no means to provide follow-up material or a church where I could invite the individual to attend. The minister replied with the verse “God’s word is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12)  The minister went on to tell a story of how he shared the gospel with a man in a remote area and years later when they crossed paths again, that man from the remote region was still going steady in joy and faith. I was encouraged by what the minister said. Even though I knew God’s Word was powerful, the living part was something I tended to forget.  

While working in China, I met a young Chinese man by the name of Tim who assisted the team. Tim was very friendly, and his English ability was decent enough to hold long conversations. On one encounter, I told Tim that I would be leaving the next week and going home and spending Christmas with my family. He asked if I was a Christian, to which I replied yes. He then told me he was Christian too and that we shared a common faith. I was intrigued and wanted to know more about his relationship with Christ. The topic came up again later that week. I asked Tim how he became a Christian and he told me that his grandmother was a Christian, and before she passed on, she told him about Jesus. He didn't know exactly what she was talking about at the time but she, unbeknownst to him, had planted a seed in his life. Years later when Tim was going to university in China, some international students invited him to attend a Christian group. He remembered what his grandmother told him and was open to it. In that Christian group he received Jesus Christ.

With Tim’s story, I’m reminded that the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of people, drawing them to Christ. Sometimes we try to give the Gospel life by our own means and move it along by our own efforts. This can become stressful if we think that it is all up to us to help somebody who is in need or ‘get somebody saved’. Of course I agree that having proper follow-up material and a community of faith is important for spiritual growth. I also know that our labour of love helping and serving people changes countless lives. But I've come to realize that God is not limited by what we do and don’t do. 

As much as I like to help people in need and give my time serving, I've learned that my ability to impact lives is limited. I may only have a few moments with some individuals. I have found that if someone shares a need with me, I offer to pray and put the focus on Jesus and His finished work and prayer is rarely refused.

So if we are the body, the hands and feet of the Gospel, then the Holy Spirit must be the wings. (What? Wings? God?  Yeah – Psalm 91:4, possibly used metaphorically but still... :)  )  We can be encouraged and know that Jesus Christ is the Living Word active in this world. We take comfort in His promises and know that He loves and cares for every single person more than we can imagine and He desires everyone to be saved. God doesn't need us to minister, but gives us this wonderful privilege and blessing to be His partners. We are His messengers, but undoubtedly He is the One who touches and changes hearts.


  1. Ruben Fernando13 May 2013 at 21:13

    This is very inspirational, your blog brings great interest to many people including myself. You are an astounding writer, I know you are led by the holy spirit. And always remember, whatever you planted right now, you will harvest in time. Every word that you are spreading is the seed that you are putting in the hearts of people and it's the holy spirit which will manifest in everyone's lives. God bless. From, Ruben Fernando

    1. Thank you Ruben for the encouraging feedback. I'm happy to know that the words I share are blessing people. I know that these blog entries have been a blessing to me. The more I articulate the cool things God shows me, the more awesome I see Him revealed. I appreciate your comment.
