I've heard many sermons and discussed this subject with many Christians who share a variety of views on the state of the Gospel. Some will say it varies between countries. For instance, countries like China are experiencing a rapid growth of Christianity, while European nations are seeing a decline in Christian population. What can be reasons for these trends and are they reflective of God’s power at work or lack thereof?
So with the view that unbelief is prevalent in society, when we look at the western world we see an obstacle to God’s power. We are reminded of Jesus when He could do only a few miracles in his hometown Nazareth because of the unbelief of the people. If Jesus could do few miracles and He is our example, should we expect a different outcome? I've often thought about this passage but wonder if we should equate these situations... is the western world even Jesus’ hometown, anyway?
But the contrasting view is this: God is at work everywhere in everything in spite of unbelief. That unbelief isn't necessarily an obstacle, but an opportunity to receive faith from Jesus (Mark 9:24). While the world may be fallen, Jesus Christ is working through the tough situations. After all, Jesus declared:
“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” John 4:35
This world is full of lost people from all walks of life. Rather than a rejection of Christ, declining numbers indicate a rejection of Christianity as a religion. Some may be disillusioned by the church and the hypocrisy shown. At many times we as a church have come across in the opposite way we should. Instead of selfless and loving, we are self-promoting, interested in our own prosperity, while at the same time judging and condemning the world in the name of truth. In our efforts to stick up for what is ‘right’ we alienate many people. Thankfully, God's grace and goodness are greater than our ability to mess things up.
Our State-of-the-Gospel view is important as it can influence us in several ways: Firstly, how we conduct ourselves and how willing we are to share the gospel with, minister to, and love on people. Secondly, how we feel emotionally. If we are living in a world where we think that even Jesus couldn't do miracles, that is quite a bummer. What hope do we have? But when we realize that God’s Holy Spirit is at work in us and in this world, and that the Holy Spirit power is the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Rom 8:11, Eph 1:19-20), it helps put things in perspective.
So I encourage everyone to be the optimist - the Holy-Spirit-overflowing optimist. For we have awesome good news to share and are entrusted with great love and life to shine into this broken world.
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