I've often heard it said that “it’s not about you, it’s
about Him” or “this life we live is not about us, but about God”. But when I’m reading my Bible trying to focus
on God, He goes and throws the subject back my way and starts talking about
Why is there hope laid up for me in heaven? Colossians 1:5
Why is there hope laid up for me in heaven? Colossians 1:5
Why does God supply my needs according to His riches in glory? Philippians 4:19
Why does God remember my work and the love which I have shown? Hebrews 9:10
Why did God choose me in Him before the foundation of the world? Ephesians 1:4
Why did Jesus take my sins and heal me? 1 Peter 2:24
Certainly, I understand that we are not to be self-focused but instead Christ focused. I realize our lives have been crucified with Christ, but to claim that this life is not about us would be missing an important part of the Gospel story.
In this world, it is easy to feel insignificant; there just are so many people. Moreover, it is hard to comprehend how God can relate and interact with everyone. I've often wondered how God’s kingdom works with all the angels and people talking at the same time. But if God’s kingdom is not about us, then our lives are significant only as much as they fit in with God’s master salvation plan. We read the passages of scripture that explain how we are all parts of the body working together and so shouldn't complain about our role. But what are we working towards? Does the greater good outweigh the individual good? Is God even constrained by the amount of ‘good’ available? What is God’s purpose? Somehow I don’t think it is just about numbers...
It is true we are a part of God’s saving work, but our value is not based on our role or what we can do for God. God established our value apart from any act of obedience or kingdom service by redeeming us while we were sinners. To emphasize: our value before anything, even while we were dirty, stinking, rotten and plagued with sin, before we were redeemed, renewed, or made a new creation, was worth the price of His Son Jesus Christ. Knowing this wonderful truth doesn't puff us up, but it does serve to glorify God and leave us in awe. God is glorified in His creative and redemptive work.
For many of us, it is hard to see the value that God places on us and
instead we ask “Why would God save me?” and so we try desperately to perform to somehow
make ourselves worthy. But I find, as we begin to grasp God’s unconditional
love and grace, it takes the pressure off and we can freely be the person God
made us to be. The message of the cross is that God did for us what we could not do for ourselves. Even further demonstrating His love, God adopted us as children and made us heirs with Christ.
It is clear the gospel is about God, us, and the relationship between
Father and child integrally expressed in Jesus Christ. So yes, we should focus on
Him, but all the while knowing He is looking right back at us.