As I typed in the search bar “What did Jesus...” the question I was looking for came up first in Google’s suggestion box “What did Jesus look like?”
It wasn't “what did Jesus do?” or “what did Jesus say?” In our society we are predominantly wired and concerned about appearance and with my curiosity, I fit right in.
Switching to an Images search, I found my computer screen soon filled with various images and pictures of Jesus’ possible appearance.

Now we were getting somewhere. With the pictures I had left, I tried to see what picture made me feel most like who I know Jesus to be. But as I was going further in the images I had this foreign feeling that I could be almost bordering on idol worship with my quest. :O
Thankfully God spoke to me. “Why look for an image when you know me more than an image can ever portray?” Just like that, it was clear. An image is limited; worth a 1000 words maybe. But Jesus Christ is so much more. No image can satisfy and inside we know every image we see isn't really Jesus because He is known to us in a way that no picture or portrait can convey.
On the road to Emmaus, although the disciples had seen Jesus with their eyes, it was only after Jesus showed himself in scriptures and broke bread that they knew Him.
“ And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.” Luke 24:31 KJV